Thursday, March 15, 2007


Am I a criminal?
What did I do wrong?
Why was I exiled to that bloody island?

It’s not bad for a while!
Take a break from this
fuckin life!

It’s a good performance!
But if you don’t drink
too much of the wine!

Cos I’m not drunk from the wine!
The history behind the wine!
Where it came from made drunk!


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    i don't know what to say or what to do ???????????????????

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Your “Exile” is over…
    But the history is forever…
    It was a bloody island…Ya, “Red Island”…
    But you never touch the land…
    You were high…Up to the sky…
    All and all you touched was just fog in the sky…
    The island had fragrant flora …
    But you never sense the aroma…
    You were numb … Comfortably numb …
    All and all you felt was just lethal drama…
    That bloody island …with golden scorpions on the sand …
    Became your poke … The poke ,where you smoke…
    So, it was your “Exile”… But just for a while…
    Your “Exile” was fantastic…Dia cantik…
    Remember the wine…That bloody “Red Wine”…
    Remember the island….That bloody “Red Island”…
    You left all behind…
    There is no rewind…
    Your “Exile” is over…
    But the history is forever…

  3. liked it lots :D

    after all, Penang is a crazy island, I DO KNOW ;)

    & the red wine story is far more famous than Jesus' blood, itself!

  4. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
